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Thursday, April 28, 2011

me and you

when i need you 
you come straight away
when i cry
you wipe these tears away
when i smile
you laugh that way
when i shout
you just look at me calmly
when you take a step back
i take a step forward
when you run
i fly to where you on
when i loosen my grip on you
you hold my hand tightly
that is me and you

Sunday, April 17, 2011

GOsip ria di malam buta

siapa yang ndak suka ngomongin orang lain? hmm, jarang kali yak ada orang yang ndak suka ngomongin orang, cuman orang alim yang bener2 aliiiim kali yang ndak doyan ngegosip :D kalo ane mah msalah lain, meski terbilang alim (??) tapi tetep doyan ngegosip, nyahhahahahha, ente jugak sama kan ? bdanya ane jelas alim sedangkan ente alim ato gak ane kagak tau :pp
seperti itulah acara yang ane dan ocun lakukan tdi malem. critanya kan si ocun nginep k rmah ane, nah, pas malemya ane udah ngantuk dari jam 9, tau ah, gara gara kmren mlemnya ane liat dunia lain mpe jam 1an ato gara2 ane yang emg doyan molor :D, cuman, pas ane udah menata posisi ane sdemikian rupa sehingga ane bisa molor dengan enak, nyaman dan aman, si ocun malah ngobrol ssuatu yang intinya adalah ngomongin orang. denger kata2 ngegosip, antena ane langsung kerja, gak tahu kena apa, pokoknya posisi ane dari tidur langsung brubah jadi duduk di kasur dengan fast motion ala pilem laga gituulah :D
nah, dari sono noh, obrolan ane yang mjurus ke ngomongin orang itu resmi dimulai :D. ane pertamanya ngomongin masalah ocun yang lagi disengsemi sama seseorang,ehehehe. berawal dari sono ane lanjut ngobrolan orang-orang
pertamanya kita ambil dari tengah-tengah dan acak doang,sesuai selera kita mau ngomongin siapa, tapi dipikir-pikir lagi, kok gak adil ya rasanya kita gak ngomongin orang-orang dengan hurup depan awal2 alpabet, nah.. dari sono lalu ane mulai lagi dari awal ngomonginnya nama orang urut alfabet.hehheh
dari hurup a, ada bebrapa orang yang kite sebutin, tapi rasanya gak fair kalo yang kita omongin ane kasih liat disini, kalo mau tau lain kali ikut aje ngegosip bareng ane, :DD
dari a ke b ke c dan seterusnya, tiap dapet bagian yang aneh lucu kita ngakak abis-abisan sampe mata ane berair. beneran deh parah banget kita nggosipnya malam itu, sampe ngakaak guling bantal deh,eh salah, guling-guling maksudnyak.. sampai2 nih ya dosen juga ikut kena,hahahah
ane apdet status di fb, trus si ocun juga koment distu, parahnya kita cuman pake 1 alat buat gantia berdua, yaitu lepiku tersayang dan sejolinya, modem venus,hahahahahah
setelah sekian lama ngakak dan nggosip, ternyata perut si ocun keroncongan, (ternyata nggosip menguras hati, eh energi ding :D). sudahlah, akirnya ane tmenin ocun ke belakang alias dapur dan kita masak mie rebus indomie (ini ceritaku ,apa ceritamu?? lhohh? :D). awalnya aku nunggunya di ruang tengah, tapi karena lola ane nyusul ocun ke dapur juga, eh ternyata disono lumayan cepet, gatau deh gara-gara apa. ane juga bikin susu milo, enyak cuy anget2 minumnya, kan udah malem.
begitulah cerita ane sama ocun yang nggosip bareng, sebenernya banyak yang kita omongin, tapi gak enak mau share disini, takut ada komplain pihak2 terkait, secara ini bukan fiksi, jadi kalo ane tulis ada yang ngeras dong, kalo dituntut gimana?ane kagak punya duit buat sewa pengacara di pengadilan, mending diem aje. biar ane sama ocun aje yang tau, kalo pada penasaran mending lain waktu kesini deh, ke rumahku ikutan nggosip. kita berkumpul dan nggosip ria, hahahaha >> resiko tanggung peserta :))

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

remembering the past love

What do you feel when the first love of yours suddenly crept into your mind after long time you don't even think bout him anymore, hhahaha. yep. i felt that, when i got nothing to do i didn't know where that mind came from but suddenly i saw his face, the way he smile , in my mind. kinda weird rite? (since i dont love him anymore)lol.
Talking bout him, i just remember that time i did like to see him (is that called love, or just an admiration? well, im not too good in that kinda thing, so me, myself dont know whats that exactly,hahahhaa). but as im thinking bout that past now, seems like myself is a shy (too say if i cud say) coz you know, every girl shud cheer or going crazy whenever they see their crush are walking pass 'em (thats a normal act, isnt it? ). but here, you see me.. im just get my face down, looking on the ground and didnt bother to take even just a glance at him.. whoaaa.. when i remember that time, its seems like im gonna make my face red when i encourage myself to see him. but whats next? when my eyes accidentaly met her gaze, that bring myself to be a panic person and even make my face redder, omooo~~ blushing like crazy, eh? (dont dare to say im not normal for being like this, lol)
Now i dont get enough courage and interest to just start the new feeling, its not that im afraid im gonna ended the same, but i think as my age become older and maybe (i think) im now wiser, kkekekekke~~ i just need to consider and think about everything when i talk bout crush or shud i call it 'the one' start from now? i dont feel any ease when talking bout my crush, its not like back then when im a high schooler and still a teenager, (hhahaha, so im thinking of myself as an old lady now? the ahjumma? LOL). when  im still a teenager, i mean when i still a high schooler, i find it fun to just say that is my type, hes so cool. whoaaa, i think im going crazy, i know i fall for him, wahhh, so cool. i do have a crush on him, and blah blah blah, the next thing i knew that time is that im starting to be a talkative girl and dont wanna stop mumbling, talking bout the boy i had my crush on, kekkekekeke~ that must be crazy, rite? but yeahhh, its kinda fun and i like it, i sometimes want to be back in that time, when so much more fun is easier to find and the sad ending or the bads are too far away from my wonderful daily list :D
i just dont get what people say that the first love is the most meaningful and the love that we will keep it here, in my heart, for long time, even after we find the nth or the nuest love of ours. hmm, whaddaya think?? kinda agree wid this or wanna think of it as a contradiction, lol. well, thats up to you. for me, that not  fully right, yeah, thats because nothing is 100 % rite,hahahah. so in my opinion, love is not about the first, second, third or nth, but it may be considered by its value, how deep is our feeling toward him actually is. after seeing that fact we will actually know that no matter which love he is, the first or the last, we will treasure it the most as long as its the most valuable thing for our lifetime (hmm, kinda serious, eh?).
Im not a good one whenever talking or discussing about love,  a lil did i know bout it. actually im a kinda girl that dont like to have such a serious relationship, i think i like to make friends with all people and consider them all the same. well, thats why my mom always tell me to look for a rite guy to have a serious relationship. hahha, serious relationship? are you serious mom? for me the serious thing is gaining more and more ability and reach whatever i needed and i wanted
so, first love that suddenly come to my mind isnt the sign of remembering him but well,a lil bit part of my heart dont mind it actually,kekkekeke~ since i loved him back then. i dont know why i liked him, but i know i never regret i ever loved him, in this case is secretly loved him,lol. and i know this first love may lead me to the real one, the one i love someday, and that first love made me ever taste how it feel when we are in love :D
wanna know what it taste? how it feel.. just try it by yourself.. try to love somebody, and you're gonna know it :D
hmm, btw, isnt it fun if i cud have this guy as my first love back then? kekkekekke~
this is the guy,black jacket suits him wellll~
omoo~ almost smirking?
kyaaah~ i like when hes sulking
cute, riteee? :p
hohoo, nice pose dude!